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Alexander Graham Bell- The Inventor of Telephone and an interesting story behind getting the patent! POSTED ON March 03, 2022 by Arup Ratan Paul

Alexander Graham Bell- The Inventor of Telephone and an interesting story behind getting the patent!

We know Alexander Graham Bell as the inventor of the telephone. But did you know that he was not the first inventor of the telephone? There is a thrilling story behind the name of the inventor of the telephone! Let's find out in detail. 

Alexander Graham Bell is best known as one of the inventors of the telephone. But he is not the first to invent it. Rather he was the first to have the patent of telephone devices. Antonio Meucci can claim to be the inventor of the telephone. He succeeded in his discovery of the electromagnetic telephone in 1857. It was much earlier than that of Bell’s invention of the telephone. 

Meanwhile, in 1865, the Italian inventor Innocenzo Manzetti invented a speaking telephone. Again, Hungarian inventor Tivadar Puskas also invented the switchboard and the party line, making the telephone usable. They all are however not the main competitors of Bell. 

Bell's main competitor was American inventor Elisha Gray. Fate is sometimes very cruel, as was the case with Elisha Gray. Fortunately or unfortunately, Elisha Gray and Bell went to the patent office on the same day (February 14, 1876) to register the telephone. Unfortunately, a few hours after Elisha Gray's lawyer arrived, Alexander Graham Bell was awarded the first US patent for the telephone in 1876. That is how Bell was credited with inventing the telephone. 

There is no question about Bell's dedication and sharp talent, even if he has a hand in getting the patent. There we see tons of examples of his research in many other areas of science and technology. But, sadly, he also suffered a lot to protect his patent! There have been more than 600 cases against this patent. But everytime, Bell came out as the winner! He has won all these cases on his own merits. So there should be no reluctance to address him as the inventor of the telephone. 

In addition to being named the inventor of the telephone, Bell did a number of other important researches, including the research on flying boats and aviation. Bell was also one of the founders of the National Geographic Society, founded in 1888. 

Alexander Graham Bell died on August 2, 1922 in Nova Scotia, Canada at the age of 75. After Bell's death, all American telephones rang for a minute. According to the US administration, this was done to show due respect to the great man who invented this method of communicating with people. This year is the 175th birthday of this great inventor. We remember him on his birthday with deep respect and love.

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