Order Procedure
1. Browse ryans.com to “Add to Cart”
- Explore our wide range of products across categories.
- Click on a product to view details and specifications.
- Select products and click "Add to Cart".
2. Proceed to Checkout
- Click on the cart icon at the top right corner, once all products are added to the “shopping cart”.
- Click "Checkout" after reviewing shopping cart products and quantities.
3. Complete Checkout Process
- Step 1 - Account Information:
Click on Checkout, receive OTP if not logged in, and sign up.
- Step 2 - Shipping Method:
a. Select district, City/Upazila.
b. Select delivery method:
- Home delivery,
- Courier or
- Store pickup.
c. Select delivery type:
Note: The express delivery option will only be visible to customers of Dhaka Metropolitan.
d. Write name, delivery address, and contact number.
e. If the billing address is different click on the checkbox bottom of the page.
- Step 3 - Payment Information:
Choose payment method:
- Cash on Delivery
- Debit/Credit Card
- POS on Delivery
- Internet Banking
- Mobile Banking
- Step 4 - Review and Place Order:
a. Review order summary including products, quantities, shipping details, and grand total
b. Click on the checkbox to agree to Terms & Conditions and Return, Refund & Cancelation
c. "Place Order" to confirm the purchase.